Wednesday 9 May 2012

It's interesting how our Reformation Week turned out to be an international occasion. Here we see Dr Bernhard Kaiser, who over the first three days lectured on the main Biblical doctrines emphasised by the 16th century reformers, with some of participants for the week. Helpful discussion arose out of the doctrinal lectures and then in the remaining days of the week we concentrated more on historical facts with visits to Constance, Zurich and Basel.
Our second picture shows the stone in Constance commemorating the spot where Jan Hus was burnt at the stake for his bold stand for the sufficiency of the Scriptures and salvation by grace through faith in Christ alone.

Basel was an important city in the 16th century because of its paper making and printing  industry. Erasmus published his Greek New Testament here and John Calvin wrote the first edition of his famous Institutes of the Christian Religion in Basel. Our day in Basel included visiting the memorial to Erasmus in the cathedral and the paper-making and printing museum.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Len I had a very wonderful time at Haus Barnabas! Here is the summary of my conference. See here and here (for Zurich and Zwingl) and (Constance and John Hus) I hope to do Basel report at some point. God bless Haus Barnabas. Always in our prayers!
