Monday 12 July 2010

Sometimes our guests hear a scurrying sound across their ceiling during the night or early morning. Up to now our 'roof-dwellers', stone martins, a close relative of pine martins found in parts of the UK, have been very secretive and have only rarely been seen and then mostly as they clamber up the rock face at the back of the house into the forest beyond. However this year they have become more sociable. We have used our 2nd-floor rooms for helpers and one night one of them saw a furry face peering through the window at them from the roof outside. Yesterday one came running down the rock face to stare chatteringly at us in the garden. It's God's house and He is sending all sorts of guests to us!!
We've this weekend enjoyed fellowship with a family from Perth, Australia and in two weeks time we are expecting a ladies football team from Lancashire. Under the auspices of Sportsreach these use sport as a means of contact for sharing their faith in Jesus and communicating the Gospel. We have been able to arrange for them to play the Schönau ladies team on the splendid Schönau sports ground and are hoping that some of these local ladies and their friends will accept an invitation to Haus Barnabas to meet the English team socially and to hear about their personal faith that binds them together and motivates them. Please pray about this.
Phyl unfortunately kicked a rock rather hard when playing football with the children on Saturday. It seems likely that a big toe is broken. Please pray it will heal quickly.

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